How finally to learn Present Simple

By Edmara Oliveira - January 24, 2019

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The way more simple to learn the Present Simple or whatever thing in another language is imagine yourself making this or remember the mean in your own language. It is how I finally have learned the verbs in present in english language. I started imagine myself saying "I like chocolate" I remended that I eat chocolate and I like the sabor this food. So, it is more easy to fix all words and verbs in my mind. Of course you will forget something if you don't practice always your vocabulary. Life's law! 
The more easy way to learn finally english is practice how people say: "Practice makes perfect".
I separed some things will help you to learn more fast:
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- Imagine yourself saying this words:
You always must imagine yourself making this action in your mind before say something. First you imagine how it would be in your language and after you will imagine and speak in another language.
Repeat with simple words and sentences:
If you repeat constantly what you are already to say in other language you will not forget it easy. Every day you must repeat simple actions you are accustomed to make daily in this new language.

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- Read new words and connect them:
When you read new words you can to use it for make new sentences with what you already to knew. An example: If you learned the word: walk. You can connect with a sentence you know how: I walk every day at street. In this way you can reapet with other sentences and words.

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- Write in some place:
When you write the words or sentences you are reapeting the information and it is more easy for you to remember later. In this way you will be practicing the new language.
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- Listen the Present Simple:
Yeah! If you want to learn the Present Simple you have that is listening it in sentences for audios or songs dialy. When you are making this you will be practicing your listening and reapeting what you learned.

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